Golang Example JSON REST HTTP Get with Digest Auth

Since I could not find a complete example of a GO REST Call that returned JSON and used Digest Auth (for Digital Rebar API), I wanted to feed the SEO monster for the next person.

My purpose is to illustrate the pattern, not deliver reference code.  Once I got all the pieces in the right place, the code was wonderfully logical.  The basic workflow is:

  1. define a structure with JSON mapping markup
  2. define an alternate HTTP transport that includes digest auth
  3. enable the client
  4. perform the get request
  5. extract the request body into a stream
  6. decode the stream into the mapped data structure (from step 1)
  7. use the information

Here’s the sample:

package main

import (
digest “code.google.com/p/mlab-ns2/gae/ns/digest”

// the struct maps to the JSON automatically with the added meta data
type Deployment struct {
ID int `json:”id”`
State int `json:”state”`
Name string `json:”name”`
Description string `json:”description”`
System bool `json:”system”`
ParentID int64 `json:”parent_id”`
CreatedAt string `json:”created_at”`
UpdatedAt string `json:”updated_at”`

func main() {

// setup a transport to handle disgest
transport := digest.NewTransport(“crowbar”, “password”)

// initialize the client
client, err := transport.Client()
if err != nil {
return err

// make the call (auth will happen)
resp, err := client.Get(“”)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()

// magic of the structure definition will map automatically
var d []Deployment // it’s an array returned, so we need an array here.
err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&d)

// print results
fmt.Printf(“Header:%s\n”, resp.Header[“Content-Type”])
fmt.Printf(“Code:%s\n”, resp.Status)
fmt.Printf(“Name:%s\n”, d[0].Name)


PS: I’m doing this for the  Digital Rebar API driver because it uses REST and Digest.  We’re actively maintaining it there if you want the latest.

This entry was posted in Golang, Random and tagged , , by Rob H. Bookmark the permalink.

About Rob H

A Baltimore transplant to Austin, Rob thinks about ways of building scale infrastructure for the clouds using Agile processes. He sat on the OpenStack Foundation board for four years. He co-founded RackN enable software that creates hyperscale converged infrastructure.

7 thoughts on “Golang Example JSON REST HTTP Get with Digest Auth

  1. Pingback: Golang Example JSON REST HTTP Get with Digest Auth | Dinesh Ram Kali.

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