“Why SRE?” Discussion with Eric @Discoposse Wright

sre-series My focus on SRE series continues… At RackN, we see a coming infrastructure explosion in both complexity and scale. Unless our industry radically rethinks operational processes, current backlogs will escalate and stability, security and sharing will suffer.

ericewrightI was a guest on Eric “@discoposse” Wright of the Green Circle Community #42 Podcast (my previous appearance).

LISTEN NOW: Podcast #42 (transcript)

In this action-packed 30 minute conversation, we discuss the industry forces putting pressure on operations teams.  These pressures require operators to be investing much more heavily on reusable automation.

That leads us towards why Kubernetes is interesting and what went wrong with OpenStack (I actually use the phrase “dumpster fire”).  We ultimately talk about how those lessons embedded in Digital Rebar architecture.

2 thoughts on ““Why SRE?” Discussion with Eric @Discoposse Wright

  1. Pingback: Evolution or Rebellion? The rise of Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) | Rob Hirschfeld

  2. Pingback: Let’s DevOps IRL: my SRE postings on RackN! | Rob Hirschfeld

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