Collaboration between Dell Crowbar & VMware Cloud Foundry – unleashes your inner cloud

Sometimes a single sprint can deliver magic: when I signed up to document how to create a Crowbar module (aka a barclamp) two weeks ago, I had no idea that it would add a new flavor to Crowbar .

I’m proud to announce that the first public non-Dell Crowbar module will be supporting the VMware Cloud Foundry Open PaaS project.

Development is still in progress (on the Crowbar “CF” branch) and you’ll be able to watch us (even help!) collaborate on this project.  Initially, the deployment will be to single server but we’re hoping to quickly expand to a distributed install that fully leverages the capabilities of both projects.

By creating a Crowbar module, Cloud Foundry™ is able to leverage the cloud deployment capabilities that allow it to be setup on any physical or virtualized data center.  This is core to the Crowbar message: the value of a cloud solution can best be realized when it’s coupled with open practices for deploying it.

There are many significant aspects of this collaboration:

  1. Cloud Foundry is taking the right approach to PaaS.  Their team’s perspective on PaaS mirrors my own: A PaaS is a collection of application services.  That approach makes it extensible and flexible.  Plus, they are also multi-language and multi-platform.
  2. Crowbar is proving our breadth of support.  Last week we announced coming RHEL support and now adding Cloud Foundry is a natural extension.  We did not design Crowbar to be a one-trick pony.  It’s modular design makes it easy to extend while leveraging the existing body of work.
  3. Big companies are acting like start-ups.  Both Crowbar and Cloud Foundry are projects that focus on putting the core functionality out quickly to prove their value proposition, get feedback, and change the game.  This collaboration is positive proof of these companies being Agile and starting a project Lean.
  4. Big companies are acting in the open.  Both Dell via Crowbar and VMware via Cloud Foundry are contributing their source and working on it in the open.

Stay tuned for that “how to create a barclamp” post (or check out the barclamp rake task).

For more information: