Crowbar modules (aka barclamps) perform many functions and enable multi-vendor hardware

10/18 Update:

More recent information about Barclamps can be found at  We’ve also created videos showing how you can create your own barclamps.

Original Post

Just after we’d started deep Crowbar development, Andi Abes, Paul Webster and Victor Lowther joined the Dell Crowbar+OpenStack team.  They immediately started to dig into our Swift, BIOS/RAID, and Network components.  They also started to bump into each other in our original code base.  It quickly became apparent that we needed to modularize Crowbar.

Restructuring Crowbar into modules has proved essential as a method for safe community collaboration.

Greg Althaus coined the name “barclamps” during the modularization rearchitecture.  A barclamp is a class extension of the Crowbar ServiceObject that allows Crowbar to identify the Chef components used by the barclam

p (name p

attern in Chef is bc-template-[barclamp]) and provides capabilities that are specific to each barclamp.

  • In the simplest case, the barclamp is a minimal wrapper that just provides naming hooks for your Chef cookbooks.  This makes it very easily to adapt existing Chef work to work with Crowbar.
  • In more complex cases, the barclamp will help identity how nodes are allocated, interacts with other barclamps, extends the provisioner state machine and provides custom user interfaces.
  • In most cases, the barclamp’s generic integration and UI are sufficient.
Initially, barclamps were entirely exposed via REST using the ServiceObject.  We quickly wrapped those into a CLI for our continuous integration system.  Lately, we’ve expressed them in the user interface.
At launch, you’ll find all but two in the open source repository.  Unfortunately, we were not able to include BIOS and RAID barclamps in the open version because they use licensed components – we are working to correct this.  They are available in the Dell licensed version.
When looking at the barclamps, it is critical to understand that even the most core Crowbar functionality is expressed as a barclamp.
This exposure of Crowbar internals as barclamps is important because it
  1. helps modularize the code and
  2. reflects the deep integration between Chef and Crowbar.

Consequently, the core logic of the state machine, networking configuration, and provisioning are all exposed in barclamps.  This makes it possible to modify and extend the most basic Crowbar operations; however, there are currently no guards against breaking these barclamps either!

The following list includes all the barclamps that we’ve created for Crowbar.
Barclamp   Function  Included
Crowbar The roles and recipes to set up the barclamp framework.  Yes
Deployer Initial classification system for the Crowbar environment (aka the state machine)  Yes
Provisioner The roles and recipes to set up the provisioning server and a base environment for all nodes  Yes
Network Instantiates network interfaces on the crowbar managed systems. Also manages the address pool.  Yes
NTP Common NTP service for the cluster. An NTP server or servers can be specified and all other nodes will be clients of them.  Yes
DNS manages the DNS subsystem for the cluste  Yes
Logging centralized logging system based on syslog  Yes
IPMI Integrates with IP management to allow direct hardware control bypassing the operating system.  Yes
RAID LSI Licensed components.  Cannot be included in open source release at this time.  No
PowerEdge C series: Dell License component.  Cannot be included in open source release at this time.  No
Ganglia Optional: a common Ganglia service for the cluster that can be used by other barclamps  Yes
Nagios Optional : common monitoring service for the cluster that can be used by other barclamps  Yes
Nova OpenStack: installs and configures the Openstack Nova (Cactus Release) component. It relies upon the network and glance barclamps for normal operation.  Yes
Swift OpenStack: part of Openstack (Cactus Release) , and provides a distributed blob storage  Yes
Glance OpenStack: Glance service (Cactus Release, Nova image management) for the cloud  Yes
Test provides a shell for writing tests against  Yes

14 thoughts on “Crowbar modules (aka barclamps) perform many functions and enable multi-vendor hardware

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