Please support me for the OpenStack Policy Board

I’m posting my OpenStack bio here and asking for support putting me on the Policy Board by voting for me.  NOTE: You can only vote if you’re registered and you got the “Poll: OpenStack Governance Elections” email.

Project Policy Board Objective

I am seeking a role on the OpenStack Policy Board to further the adoption of OpenStack within and beyond the community.  As the OpenStack technology lead within Dell, I am the engineer who is most actively engaged with field deployments; consequently, I am uniquely positioned to represent our development community, hosters and enterprise user bases.  I bring substantial process experience (Agile/Lean/CI) into my decision making.  My focus will be on ensuring OpenStack is deployable and ready for use.


I am a Principal Engineer at Dell working as the lead for our OpenStack cloud initiative (  My team at Dell is responsible for bringing hyper-scale cloud solutions to market and works closely with our cloud optimized hardware division (DCS).  Before working on the OpenStack project, I was involved in cloud projects for Azure, Eucalyptus, and Joyent at Dell.
My involvement with OpenStack goes back to the very earliest days before the project was launched where I was part of the evaluation team that advocated for Dell to join the project.  Since then, I have been active participant at every design conference.  It was my recommendation that Dell focus on making deployment capabilities for OpenStack and to ensure that those contributions are open sourced (Apache 2).  At this point in the project, I am Dell’s technical authority on OpenStack for community and customer interactions.
My team is responsible for the Crowbar cloud deployer (  The purpose of this project is to ensure that OpenStack is be quickly and reliably deployed in a wide range of configurations on any hardware platform.  I believe that ease of deployability is essential for the success of OpenStack as a project because it ensure adoption by non-developers.  I also believe strongly in continuous integration and am working to adapt Crowbar as a CI platform.  I have been the primary driver to ensure that the Crowbar project is open sourced and accepting of input from the community.
My team also designs technical reference architectures (RAs) for OpenStack.  These RAs help drive adoption by providing crisp guidance on how deploy OpenStack.  I am a vocal proponent of open operations (keeping best practices public) and following a DevOps approach for ongoing cloud deployment life-cycles.
In addition to my work at Dell, I work to ensure community access and communication.  My independent blog provides technical detail and insights about the OpenStack and other cloud initiatives.  My blog also focuses on Agile and Lean practices that I believe are essential to success in technology innovation.
I have been working with cloud computing since 2001.  The company I founded with Dave McCrory (@mccrory), now owned by Quest, was the first multi-server VMware ESX deployment ouside of VMware.  We pioneered the concept of elastic vm management (look up the patents!) so I have a very deep understanding of the problems and architectures required.

Crowbar source released, includes OpenStack Cloud install

I’m delighted to announce (official version) that my team at Dell has opened the Crowbar source under the Apache 2 license. This action is part of the broader Dell OpenStack Cloud Solution which includes OpenStack install packages, Crowbar, reference hardware architectures, and services/consulting to support deployments.

There are two important components to this news:

  1. Dell is officially offering our OpenStack Solution and helping advance the community’s ability to implement OpenStack quickly and consistently.
  2. Dell is releasing the Crowbar code (which is included in the solution) as open source.

Both are significant items; however, my focus here is on the Crowbar release.

Crowbar started as a Dell OpenStack installer project and then grew beyond that in scope.  Now it can be extended to work with other vendors’ kits and other solutions bits.

We are contributing Crowbar to the community because we believe that everyone benefits by sharing in the operational practices that Crowbar embodies. These are rooted in Opscsode Chef (which Crowbar tightly integrates with) and the cloud & hyper-scale proven DevOps practices that are reflected in our deployment model.

Where to get it?

What’s included?

  • A comprehensive set of barclamps to set up an OpenStack cloud.
  • Crowbar UI and Remote APIs to make it easy to set up your cloud
  • Automated testing scripts for community members doing continuous integration with OpenStack.
  • Build scripts so you can create your own Crowbar install ISO
  • Switch discovery so you can create Chef Cookbooks that are network aware.
  • Open source Chef server that powers much of Crowar’s functionality

What’s not included?

  • Non-open source license components (BIOS+RAID config) that we could not distribute under the Apache 2 license.  We are working to address this and include them in our release.  They are available in the Dell Licensed version of Crowbar.
  • Dell Branded Components (skin + overview page).   Crowbar has an OpenSource skin with identical functionality.
  • Pre-built ISOs with install images (you must download the open source components yourself, we cannot redistribute them to you as a package)

Important notes:

  • Crowbar uses Chef Server as its database and relies on cookbooks for node deployments.  It is installed (using Chef Solo) automatically as part of the Crowbar install.
  • Crowbar has a modular architecture so individual components can be removed, extended, and added. These components are known individually as barclamps.
  • Each barclamp has its own Chef configuration, UI sub-component, deployment configuration, and documentation.

On the project roadmap:

  • Hadoop support
  • Additional operating system support (specifically RHEL)
  • Barclamp version repository
  • Network configuration
  • We’d like suggestions!  Please comment!

Sites for more information: Joseph George, Barton George (launch day), Dell