.IO! .IO! It’s off to a Service Mesh you should go [Gluecon 2017 notes]

TL;DR: If you are containerizing your applications, you need to be aware of this “service mesh” architectural pattern to help manage your services.

Gluecon turned out to be all about a microservice concept called a “service mesh” which was being promoted by Buoyant with Linkerd and IBM/Google/Lyft with Istio.  This class of services is a natural evolution of the rush to microservices and something that I’ve written microservice technical architecture on TheNewStack about in the past.

servicemeshA service mesh is the result of having a dependency grid of microservices.  Since we’ve decoupled the application internally, we’ve created coupling between the services.  Hard coding those relationships causes serious failure risks so we need to have a service that intermediates the services.  This pattern has been widely socialized with this zipkin graphic (Srdan Srepfler’s microservice anatomy presentation)

IMHO, it’s healthy to find service mesh architecturally scary.

One of the hardest things about scaling software is managing the dependency graph.  This challenge is unavoidable from early days of Windows “DLL Hell” to the mixed joy/terror of working with Ruby Gem, Python Pip and Node.js NPM.  We get tremendous acceleration from using external modules and services, but we also pay a price to manage those dependencies.

For microservice and Cloud Native designs, the service mesh is that dependency management price tag.

A service mesh is not just a service injected between services.  It’s simplest function is to provide a reverse proxy so that multiple services can be consolidated under a single end-point.  That quickly leads to needing load balancers, discovery and encrypted back-end communication.  From there, we start thinking about circuit breaker patterns, advanced logging and A/B migrations.  Another important consideration is that service meshes are for internal services and not end-user facing, that means layers of load balancers.

It’s easy to see how a service mesh becomes a very critical infrastructure component.

If you are working your way through containerization then these may seem like very advanced concepts that you can postpone learning.  That blissful state will not last for long and I highly suggest being aware of the pattern before your development teams start writing their own versions of this complex abstraction layer.  Don’t assume this is a development concern: the service mesh is deeply tied to infrastructure and operations.

The service mesh is one of those tricky dev/ops intersections and should be discussed jointly.

Has your team been working with a service mesh?  We’d love to hear your stories about it!

Related Reading:

How about a CaaPuccino? Krish and Rob discuss containers, platforms, hybrid issues around Kubernetes and OpenStack.

CaaPuccino: A frothy mix of containers and platforms.

Check out Krish Subramanian’s (@krishnan) Modern Enterprise podcast (audio here) today for a surprisingly deep and thoughtful discussion about how frothy new technologies are impacting Modern Enterprise IT. Of course, we also take some time to throw some fire bombs at the end. You can use my notes below to jump to your favorite topics.

The key takeaways are that portability is hard and we’re still working out the impact of container architecture.

The benefit of the longer interview is that we really dig into the reasons why portability is hard and discuss ways to improve it. My personal SRE posts and those on the RackN blog describe operational processes that improve portability. These are real concerns for all IT organizations because mixed and hybrid models are a fact of life.

If you are not actively making automation that works against multiple infrastructures then you are building technical debt.

Of course, if you just want the snark, then jump forward to 24:00 minutes in where we talk future of Kubernetes, OpenStack and the inverted intersection of the projects.

Krish, thanks for the great discussion!

Rob’s Podcast Notes (39 minutes)

2:37: Rob intros about Digital Rebar & RackN

4:50: Why our Kubernetes is JUST UPSTREAM

5:35: Where are we going in 5 years > why Rob believes in Hybrid

  • Should not be 1 vendor who owns everything
  • That’s why we work for portability
  • Public cloud vision: you should stop caring about infrastructure
  • Coming to an age when infrastructure can be completely automated
  • Developer rebellion against infrastructure

8:36: Krish believes that Public cloud will be more decentralized

  • Public cloud should be part of everyone’s IT plan
  • It should not be the ONLY thig

9:25: Docker helps create portability, what else creates portability? Will there be a standard

  • Containers are a huge change, but it’s not just packaging
  • Smaller units of work is important for portability
  • Container schedulers & PaaS are very opinionated, that’s what creates portability
  • Deeper into infrastructure loses portability (RackN helps)
  • Rob predicts that Lambda and Serverless creates portability too

11:38: Are new standards emerging?

  • Some APIs become dominate and create de facto APIs
  • Embedded assumptions break portability – that’s what makes automation fragile
  • Rob explains why we inject configuration to abstract infrastructure
  • RackN works to inject attributes instead of allowing scripts to assume settings
  • For example, networking assumptions break portability
  • Platforms force people to give up configuration in ways that break portability

14:50: Why did Platform as a Service not take off?

  • Rob defends PaaS – thinks that it has accomplished a lot
  • Challenge of PaaS is that it’s very restrictive by design
  • Calls out Andrew Clay Shafer’s “don’t call it a PaaS” position
  • Containers provide a less restrictive approach with more options.

17:00: What’s the impact on Enterprise? How are developers being impacted?

  • Service Orientation is a very important thing to consider
  • Encapsulation from services is very valuable
  • Companies don’t own all their IT services any more – it’s not monolithic
  • IT Service Orientation aligns with Business Processes
    Rob says the API economy is a big deal
  • In machine learning, a business’ data may be more valuable than their product

19:30: Services impact?

  • Service’s have a business imperative
  • We’re not ready for all the impacts of a service orientation
  • Challenge is to mix configuration and services
  • Magic of Digital Rebar is that it can mix orchestration of both

22:00: We are having issues with simple, how are we going to scale up?

  • Barriers are very low right now

22:30: Will Kubernetes help us solve governance issues?

  • Kubernetes is doing a go building an ecosystem
  • Smart to focus on just being Kubernetes
  • It will be chaotic as the core is worked out

24:00: Do you think Kubernetes is going in the right direction?

  • Rob is bullish for Kubernetes to be the dominant platform because it’s narrow and specific
  • Google has the right balance of control
  • Kubernetes really is not that complex for what it does
  • Mesos is also good but harder to understand for users
  • Swarm is simple but harder to extend for an ecosystem
  • Kubernetes is a threat to Amazon because it creates portability and ecosystem outside of their platform
  • Rob thinking that Kubernetes could create platform services that compete with AWS services like RDS.
  • It’s likely to level the field, not create a Google advantage

27:00: How does Kubernetes fit into the Digital Rebar picture?

  • We think of Kubernetes as a great infrastructure abstraction that creates portability
  • We believe there’s a missing underlay that cannot abstract the infrastructure – that’s what we do.
  • OpenStack deployments broken because every data center is custom and different – vendors create a lot of consulting without solving the problem
  • RackN is creating composability UNDER Kubernetes so that those infrastructure differences do not break operation automation
  • Kubernetes does not have the constructs in the abstraction to solve the infrastructure problem, that’s a different problem that should not be added into the APIs
  • Digital Rebar can also then use the Kubernetes abstractions?

30:20: Can OpenStack really be managed/run on top of Kubernetes? That seems complex!

  • There is a MESS in the message of Kubernetes under OpenStack because it sends the message that Kubernetes is better at managing application than OpenStack
  • Since OpenStack is just an application and Kubernetes is a good way to manage applications
  • When OpenStack is already in containers, we can use Kubernetes to do that in a logical way
  • “I’m super impressed with how it’s working” using OpenStack Helm Packs (still needs work)
  • Physical environment still has to be injected into the OpenStack on Kubernetes environment

35:05 Does OpenStack have a future?

  • Yes! But it’s not the big “data center operating system” future that we expected in 2010. Rob thinks it a good VM management platform.
  • Rob provides the same caution for Kubernetes. It will work where the abstractions add value but data centers are complex hybrid beasts
  • Don’t “square peg a data center round hole” – find the best fit
  • OpenStack should have focused on the things it does well – it has a huge appetite for solving too many problems.

LinuxKit and Three Concerns with Physical Provisioning of Immutable Images

DR ProvisionAt Dockercon this week, Docker announced an immutable operating system called LinuxKit which is powered by a Packer-like utility called Moby that RackN CTO, Greg Althaus, explains in the video below.

For additional conference notes, check out Rob Hirschfeld’s Dockercon retro blog post.

Three Concerns with Immutable O/S on Physical

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, the RackN team has been watching physical deployment of immutable operating systems like CoreOS Container Linux and RancherOS.  Overall, we like the idea of a small locked (aka immutable) in-memory image for servers; however, the concept does not map perfectly to hardware.

Note: if you want to provision these operating systems in a production way, we can help you!

These operating systems work on a “less is more” approach that strips everything out of the images to make them small and secure.  

This is great for cloud-first approaches where VM size has a material impact in cost.  It’s particularly matched for container platforms where VMs are constantly being created and destroyed.  In these cases, the immutable image is easy to update and saves money.

So, why does that not work as well on physical?

First:  HA DHCP?!  It’s not as great a map for physical systems where operating system overhead is pretty minimal.  The model requires orchestrated rebooting of your hardware.  It also means that you need a highly available (HA) PXE Provisioning infrastructure (like we’re building with Digital Rebar).

Second: Configuration. That means that they must rely on having cloud-init injected configuration.  In a physical environment, there is no way to create cloud-init like injections without integrating with the kickstart systems (a feature of Digital Rebar Provision).  Further, hardware has a lot more configuration options (like hard drives and network interfaces) than VMs.  That means that we need a robust and system-by-system way to manage these configurations.

Third:  No SSH.  Yes another problem with these minimal images is that they are supposed to eliminate SSH.   Ideally, their image and configuration provides everything required to run the image without additional administration.  Unfortunately, many applications assume post-boot configuration.  That means that people often re-enable SSH to use tools like Ansible.  If it did not conflict with the very nature of the “do-not configure-the-server” immutable model, I would suggest that SSH is a perfectly reasonable requirement for operators running physical infrastructure.

In Summary, even with those issues, we are excited about the positive impact this immutable approach can have on data center operations.

With tooling like Digital Rebar, it’s possible to manage the issues above.  If this appeals to you, let us know!

Hey Dockercon, let’s get Physical!

IMG_20170419_121918Overall, Dockercon did a good job connecting Docker users with information.  In some ways, it was a very “let’s get down to business” conference without the open source collaboration feel of previous events.  For enterprise customers and partners, that may be a welcome change.

Unlike past Dockercons, the event did not have major announcements or a lot of non-Docker ecosystem buzz.  That said, I miss that the event did not have major announcements or a lot of non-Docker ecosystem buzz.

One item that got me excited was an immutable operating system called LinuxKit which is powered by a Packer-like utility called Moby (ok, I know it does more but that’s still fuzzy to me).

RackN CTO, Greg Althaus, was able to turn around a working LinuxKit Kubernetes demo (VIDEO) overnight.  This short video explains Moby & LinuxKit plus uses the new Digital Rebar Provision in an amazing integration.

Want to hear more about immutable operating systems?  Check out our post on RackN’s site about three challenges of running things like LinuxKit, CoreOS Container Linux and RancherOS on metal.

Oh, and YES, that was my 15-year-old daughter giving a presentation at Dockercon about workplace diversity.  I’ll link the video when they’ve posted them.


April 21 – Weekly Recap of All Things Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Welcome to the weekly post of the RackN blog recap of all things SRE. If you have any ideas for this recap or would like to include content please contact us at info@rackn.com or tweet Rob (@zehicle) or RackN (@rackngo)

SRE Items of the Week

DigitalRebar Provision deploy Docker’s LinuxKit Kubernetes


Install Digital Rebar PXE Provision on a Mac OSX System and Test Boot using Virtual Box


Packet Pushers 333 Automation & Orchestration in Networking

While the discussion is all about NETWORK DevOps, they do a good job of decrying WHY current state of system orchestration is so sad – in a word: heterogeneity.  It’s not going away because the alternative is lock-in.  They also do a good job of describing the difference between automation and orchestration; however, I think there’s a middle tier  of resource “scheduling” that better describes OpenStack and Kubernetes.

Around 5:00 minutes into the podcast, they effectively describe the composable design of Digital Rebar and the rationale for the way that we’ve abstracted interfaces for automation.  If you guys really do want to cash in by consulting with it (at 10 minutes), just contact Rob H.

Digital Magazine Launch: Increment On-Call

Increment is dedicated to covering how teams build and operate software systems at scale, one issue at a time. In this, our inaugural issue, we focus on industry best practices around on-call and incident response.

Need PXW? Try out this Cobbler Replacement

We wanted to make open basic provisioning API-driven, secure, scalable and fast.  So we carved out the Provision & DHCP services as a stand alone unit from the larger open Digital Rebar project.  While this Golang service lacks orchestration, this complete service is part of Digital Rebar infrastructure and supports the discovery boot process, templating, security and extensive image library (Linux, ESX, Windows, … ) from the main project.


The project APIs and CLIs are complete for all provisioning functions with good Swagger definitions and docs.  After all, it’s third generation capability from the Digital Rebar project.  The integrated UX is still evolving.


Rob Hirschfeld and Greg Althaus are preparing for a series of upcoming events where they are speaking or just attending. If you are interested in meeting with them at these events please email info@rackn.com.

DevOpsDays Austin : May 4-5, 2017 in Austin TX  

OpenStack Summit : May 8 – 11, 2017 in Boston, MA  

  • OpenStack and Kubernetes. Combining the best of both worlds – Kubernetes Day  

Interop ITX : May 15 – 19, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV

Gluecon : May 24 – 25, 2017 in Denver, CO

  • Surviving Day 2 in Open Source Hybrid Automation – May 23, 2017 : Rob Hirschfeld and Greg Althaus


SRE Weekly (@SREWeekly)Issue #68

Open Source Collaboration: The Power of No

TL;DR: The days of using open software passively from vendors are past, users need to have a voice and opinion about project governance. This post is a joint effort with Rob Hirschfeld, RackN, and Chris Ferris, IBM, based on their IBM Interconnect 2017 “Open Cloud Architecture: Think You Can Out-Innovate the Best of the Rest?” presentation.

nullIt’s a common misconception that open source collaboration means saying YES to all ideas; however, the reality of successful projects is the opposite.

Permissive open source licenses drive a delicate balance for projects. On one hand, projects that adopt permissive licenses should be accepting of contributions to build community and user base. On the other, maintainers need to adopt a narrow focus to ensure project utility and simplicity. If the project’s maintainers are too permissive, the project bloats and wanders without a clear purpose. If they are too restrictive then the project fails to build community.

It is human nature to say yes to all collaborators, but that can frustrate core developers and users.

For that reason, stronger open source projects have a clear, focused, shared vision. Historically, that vision was enforced by a benevolent dictator for life (BDFL); however, recent large projects have used a consensus of project elders to make the task more sustainable. These roles serve a critical need: they say “no” to work that does not align with the project’s mission and vision. The challenge of defining that vision can be a big one, but without a clear vision, it’s impossible for the community to sustain growth because new contributors can dilute the utility of projects. [author’s note: This is especially true of celebrity projects like OpenStack or Kubernetes that attract “shared glory” contributors]

There is tremendous social and commercial pressure driving this vision vs. implementation balance.

The most critical one is the threat of “forking.” Forking is what happens when the code/collaborator base of a project splits into multiple factions and stops working together on a single deliverable. The result is incompatible products with a shared history. While small forks are required to support releases, and foster development; diverging community forks can have unpredictable impacts for a project.

Forks are not always bad: they provide a control mechanism for communities.

The fundamental nature of open source projects that adopt a permissive license is what allows forks to become the primary governance tool. The nature of permissive licenses allows anyone to create a new line of development that’s different than the original line. Forks can allow special interests in a code base to focus on their needs. That could be new features or simply stabilization. Many times, a major release version of a project evolves into forks where both old and newer versions have independent communities because of deployment inertia. It can also allow new leadership or governance without having to directly displace an entrenched “owner”.

But forking is expensive because it makes it harder for communities to collaborate.

To us, the antidote for forking is not simply vision but a strong focus on interoperability. Interoperability (or interop) means ensuring that different implementations remain compatible for users. A simplified example would be having automation that works on one OpenStack cloud also work on all the others without modification. Strong interop creates an ecosystem for a project by making users confident that their downstream efforts will not be disrupted by implementation variance or version changes.

Good Interop relieves the pressure of forking.

Interop can only work when a project defines what is expected behavior and creates tests that enforce those standards. That activity forces project contributors to agree on project priorities and scope. Projects that refuse to define interop expectations end up disrupting their user and collaborator base in frustrating ways that lead to forking (Rob’s commentary on the potential Docker fork of 2016).

nullUnfortunately, Interop is not a generally a developer priority.

In the end, interoperability is a user feature that competes with other features. Sadly, it is often seen as hurting feature development because new features must work to maintain existing interop standards. For that reason, new contributors may see interop demands as a impediment to forward progress; however, it’s a strong driver for user adoption and growth.

The challenge is that those users are typically more focused on their own implementation and less visible to the project leadership. Vendors have similar disincentives to do work that benefits other vendors in the community. These tensions will undermine the health of communities that do not have strong BDFL or Elders leadership. So, who then provides the adult supervision?

Ultimately, users must demand interop and provide commercial preference for vendors that invest in interop.

Open source has definitely had an enormous impact on the software industry; generally, a change for the better. But, that change comes at a cost – the need for involvement, not just of vendors and individual developers, but, ultimately it demands the participation of consumers/users.

Interop isn’t naturally a vendor priority because it levels the playing field for all vendors; however, vendors do prioritize what their customers want.

Ideally, customer needs translate into new features that have a broad base of consumer interest. Interop ensure that features can be used broadly. Thus interop is an important attribute to consumers not only for vendors, but by the open source communities building the software. This alignment then serves as the foundation upon which (increasingly) that vendor software is based.

Customers should be actively and publicly supportive of interop efforts of projects on which their vendor’s offerings depend. If there isn’t such an initiative in those projects, then they should demand one be started through their vendor partners and in the public forums for the project.

Further, if consumers of an open source project sense that it lacks a strong, focused, vision and is wandering off course, they need to get involved and say so, either directly and/or through their vendor partners.

While open source has changing the IT industry, it also has a cost. The days of using software passively from vendors are past, users need to have a voice and opinion. The need to ensure that their chosen vendors are also supporting the health of the community.

What do you think? Reach out to Rob (@zehicle) and Chris (@christo4ferris) and let us know!

Note: Cross posted on IBM OpenTech site.

Spiraling Ops Debt & the SRE coding imperative

This post is part of an SRE series grounded in the ideas inspired by the Google SRE book.

2/13 Update: You can hear an INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION based on this post with Eric Wright on his podcast, GC Online.

Every Ops team I know is underwater and doesn’t have the time to catch their breath.

Why does the load increase and leave Ops behind?  It’s because IT is increasingly fragmented and siloed by both new tech and past behaviors.  Many teams simply step around their struggling compatriots and spin up yet more Ops work adding to the backlog. Dashing off yet another Ansible playbook to install on AWS is empowering but ultimately adds to the Ops sustaining backlog.


Ops Tsunami

That terrifying observation two years ago led me to create this graphic showing how operations is getting swamped by new demand for infrastructure.

It’s not just the amount of infrastructure: we’ve got an unbounded software variation problem too.

It’s unbounded because we keep rapidly evolving new platforms and those platforms are build on rapidly evolving components.  For example, Kubernetes has a 3 month release cycle.  That’s really fast; however, it built on other components like Docker, SDN and operating systems that also have fast release cycles.  That means that even your single Kubernetes infrastructure has many moving parts that may not be consistent in your own organization.  For example, cloud deploys may use CoreOS while internal ones use a Corporate approved Centos.

And the problem will get worse because infrastructure is cheap and developer productivity is improving.

Since then, we’ve seen an container fueled explosion in developer productivity and AI driven-rise in new hardware-flavored instances. Both are power drivers of infrastructure consumption; however, we have not seen a matching leap in operations tooling (that’s a future post topic!).

That’s why the Google SRE teams require a 50% automation vs Ops ratio.  

If the ratio is >50 then the team slowly sinks under growing operational load.  If you are not actively decreasing the load via automation then your teams get underwater and basic ops hygiene fails.

This is not optional – if you are behind now then it will just get worse!

The escape from the cycle is to get help.  Stop writing automation that you can buy or re-use.  Get help running it.  Don’t waste time solving problems that other people have solved.  That may mean some upfront learning and investment but if you aren’t getting out of your own way then you’ll be run over.


2016 Infrastructure Revolt makes 2017 the “year of the IT Escape Clause”

Software development technology is so frothy that we’re developing collective immunity to constant churn and hype cycles. Lately, every time someone tells me that they have hot “picked technology Foo” they also explain how they are also planning contingencies for when Foo fails. Not if, when.

13633961301245401193crawfish20boil204-mdRequired contingency? That’s why I believe 2017 is the year of the IT Escape Clause, or, more colorfully, the IT Crawfish.

When I lived in New Orleans, I learned that crawfish are anxious creatures (basically tiny lobsters) with powerful (and delicious) tails that propel them backward at any hint of any danger. Their ability to instantly back out of any situation has turned their name into a common use verb: crawfish means to back out or quickly retreat.

In IT terms, it means that your go-forward plans always include a quick escape hatch if there’s some problem. I like Subbu Allamaraju’s description of this as Change Agility.  I’ve also seen this called lock-in prevention or contingency planning. Both are important; however, we’re reaching new levels for 2017 because we can’t predict which technology stacks are robust and complete.

The fact is the none of them are robust or complete compared to historical platforms. So we go forward with an eye on alternatives.

How did we get to this state? I blame the 2016 Infrastructure Revolt.

Way, way, way back in 2010 (that’s about bronze age in the Cloud era), we started talking about developers helping automate infrastructure as part of deploying their code. We created some great tools for this and co-opted the term DevOps to describe provisioning automation. Compared to the part, it was glorious with glittering self-service rebellions and API-driven enlightenment.

In reality, DevOps was really painful because most developers felt that time fixing infrastructure was a distraction from coding features.

In 2016, we finally reached a sufficient platform capability set in tools like CI/CD pipelines, Docker Containers, Kubernetes, Serverless/Lambda and others that Developers had real alternatives to dealing with infrastructure directly. Once we reached this tipping point, the idea of coding against infrastructure directly become unattractive. In fact, the world’s largest infrastructure company, Amazon, is actively repositioning as a platform services company. Their re:Invent message was very clear: if you want to get the most from AWS, use our services instead of the servers.

For most users, using platform services instead of infrastructure is excellent advice to save cost and time.

The dilemma is that platforms are still evolving rapidly. So rapidly that adopters cannot count of the services to exist in their current form for multiple generations. However, the real benefits drive aggressive adoption. They also drive the rise of Crawfish IT.

As they say in N’Awlins, laissez les bon temps rouler!

Related Reading on the Doppler: Your Cloud Strategy Must Include No-Cloud Options


Container Migration 101: Cloudcast.net & Lachlan Evenson

Last week, the CloudCast.net interviewed Lachlan Evenson (now at Deis!).  I highly recommend listening to the interview because he has a unique and deep experience with OpenStack, Kubernetes and container migration.

15967I had the good fortune of lunching with Lachie just before the interview aired.  We got compare notes about changes going on in the container space.  Some of those insights will end up in my OpenStack Barcelona talk “Will it Blend? The Joint OpenStack Kubernetes Environment.”

There’s no practical way to rehash our whole lunch discussion as a post; however, I can point you to some key points [with time stamps] in his interview that I found highly insightful:

  • [7:20] In their pre-containers cloud pass, they’d actually made it clunky for the developers and it hurt their devops attempts.
  • [17.30] Developers advocating for their own use and value is a key to acceptance.  A good story follows…
  • [29:50] We’d work with the app dev teams and if it didn’t fit then we did not try to make it fit.

Overall, I think Lachie does a good job reinforcing that containers create real value to development when there’s a fit between the need and the technology.

Also, thanks Brian and Aaron for keeping such a great podcast going!



yes, we are papering over Container ops [from @TheNewStack #DockerCon]

thenewstackIn this brief 7 minute interview made at DockerCon 16, Alex Williams and I cover a lot of ground ranging from operations’ challenges in container deployment to the early seeds of the community frustration with Docker 1.12 embedding swarm.

I think there’s a lot of pieces we’re still wishing away that aren’t really gone. (at 4:50)

Rather than repeat TheNewStack summary; I want to highlight the operational and integration gaps that we continue to ignore.

It’s exciting to watch a cluster magically appear during a keynote demo, but those demos necessarily skip pass the very real provisioning, networking and security work needed to build sustained clusters.

These underlay problems are general challenges that we can address in composable, open and automated ways.  That’s the RackN goal with Digital Rebar and we’ll be showcasing how that works with some new Kubernetes automation shortly.

Here is the interview on SoundCloud or youtube: