Digital Rebar Training Videos

We’re excited to announce an updated set of Digital Rebar training videos.  In response to requests to go beyond the simple Quick Start guide, we created a dedicated training channel and have been producing 15 minute tutorials on a wide range of topics.

Want us to cover a topic?  Just ask us on Gitter!


In some cases, these videos contain information that has not made it into documentation yet.  Our documentation is open source, we’d love to incorporate your notes to help make the experience easier for the next user.


OpenStack Cloud Training announced by RackSpace. Sessions in London@Rackspace & Austin@Dell

Talking to WHIR today, Joseph George and I were asked what’s the biggest gap in OpenStack?  Our answer: operator expertise!

That’s why I’m excited to post about  hands on Cloud Builder Training sessions based on the Rackspace training announcement yesterday.

Dell is hosting one of the five-day sessions at our Austin campus (register) starting on October 24th.  Other sessions are in Boston (9/26) and London (10/10).

If you come to the Austin session, I can guarantee you’ll get to meet some of our Austin team (Rob, Joseph, Greg, Victor, AD, Nick and Joey).  I’ll try to setup a visit to the Boston sessions by some of our Nashua NH members (Dan, Scott, Andi, Randy, Audra and Paul).