Dell to spin bare iron into OpenStack gold

I’m at the CloudConnect conference today supporting my team’s initial OpenStack foray.   Our announcement part of the Rackspace Cloud Builders announcement.

Tonight (3/8), we’re at the Rackspace Launch with a pony rack of servers (6 nodes) where we will run a LIVE DEMO of our cloud installer (codename “Crowbar”).  The initial offer includes my hyperscale white paper and our cloud foundation kit.

Interested in the details?  Here are background posts that talk about the Lean/Agile process we use, what is Crowbar, and my write up about hyperscale (“flat edge”) data centers.

Added 3/9: Links to articles about the release:

Here’s what Dell is saying about OpenStack on

Dell is one of the original partners in the OpenStack community, which has now grown to more than 50 companies and participants. To accelerate adoption of this powerful platform, Dell has worked to develop an effortless out-of-box OpenStack experience with:
  • Optimized PowerEdge™ C-based hardware configurations
  • A technical whitepaper that details the design of an OpenStack hyperscale cloud on PowerEdge C server technology
  • An OpenStack installer that allows bare metal deployment of OpenStack clouds in a few hours (vs. a manual installation period of several days)

Read more about the steps to design an OpenStack hyperscale cloud in a Dell technical whitepaper entitled “Bootstrapping OpenStack Clouds.”

Interested?  Contact

OpenStack Swift Retriever Demo Online (with JavaScript xmlhttprequest image retrieval)

This is a follow-up to my earlier post with the addition of WORKING CODE and an ONLINE DEMO. Before you go all demo happy, you need to have your own credentials to either a local OpenStack Swift (object storage) system or RackSpace CloudFiles.

The demo is written entirely using client side JavaScript. That is really important because it allows you to test Swift WITHOUT A WEB SERVER. All the other Swift/Rackspace libraries (there are several) are intended for your server application to connect and then pass the file back to the client. In addition, the API uses meta tags that are not settable from the browser so you can’t just browse into your Swift repos.

Here’s what the demo does:

  1. Login to your CloudFiles site – returns the URL & Token for further requests.
  2. Get a list of your containers
  3. See the files in each container (click on the container)
  4. Retrieve the file (click on the file) to see a preview if it is an image file

The purpose of this demo is to be functional, not esthetic. Little hacks like pumping the config JSON data to the bottom of the page are helpful for debugging and make the action more obvious. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

The demo code is 4 files:

  1. demo.html has all the component UI and javascript to update the UI
  2. demo.js has the Swift interfacing code (I’ll show a snippet below) to interact with Swift in a generic way
  3. demo.css is my lame attempt to make the page readable
  4. jQuery.js is some first class code that I’m using to make my code shorter and more functional.

1-17 update: in testing, we are working out differences with Swift and RackSpace. Please expect updates.

HACK NOTE: This code does something unusual and interesting. It uses the JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object to retrieve and render a BINARY IMAGE file. Doing this required pulling together information from several sources. I have not seen anyone pull together a document for the whole process onto a single page! The key to making this work is overrideMimeType (line G), truncating the 32 bit string to 16 bit ints ( & 0xFF in encode routine), using Base64 encoding (line 8 and encode routine), and then “src=’data:image/jpg;base64,[DATA GOES HERE]'” in the tag (see demo.html file).

Here’s a snippet of the core JavaScript code (full code) to interact with Swift. Fundamentally, the API is very simple: inject the token into the meta data (line E-F), request the /container/file that you want (line D), wait for the results (line H & 2). I made it a little more complex because the same function does EITHER binary or JSON returns. Enjoy!

retrieve : function(config, path, status, binary, results) {

1   xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

2   xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function()  //callback

3      {

4         if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {

5            var out = xmlhttp.responseText;

6            var type = xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("content-type");

7            if (binary)

8               results(Swift.encode(out), type);

9            else

A               results(JSON.parse(out));

B         }

C      }

D'GET','/'+path+'?format=json', true)

E   xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Host',;

F   xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Auth-Token', config.token);

G   if (binary) xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');

H   xmlhttp.send();

OpenStack Day 2 Aspiration: Dreaming & Breathing

Between partnering meetings, I bounced through biz and tech sessions during Day 2 of the OpenStack conference (day 1 notes).   After my impression summary, I’m including some succinct impressions, pictures, and copies of presentations by my Dell team-mates Greg Althaus & Brent Douglas.

Clouds on the road to Bexar
My overwhelming impression is a healthy tension between aspirational* and practical discussions.  The community appetite for big broad and bodacious features is understandably high: cloud seems on track as a solution for IT problems but there are is still an impedance mismatch between current apps and cloud capabilities.
As service providers ASPire to address these issues, some OpenStack blue print discussions tended to digress towards more forward-looking or long-term designs.  However, watching the crowd, there was also a quietly heads down and pragmatic audience ready to act and implement.  For this action focused group, delivering working a cloud was the top priority.  The Rackers and Nebuliziers have product to deploy and will not be distracted from the immediate concerns of living, breathing shippable code.
I find the tension between dreaming aspiration (cloud futures) and breathing aspiration (cloud delivery) necessary to the vitality of OpenStack.
[Day 3 update, these coders are holding the floor.  People who are coding have moved into the front seats of the fishbowl and the process is working very nicely.]
Specific Comments (sorry, not linking everything):
  • Cloud networking is a mess and there is substantial opportunity for innovation here.  Nicira was making an impression talking about how Open vSwitch and OpenFlow could address this at the edge switches.  interesting,  but messy.
  • I was happy with our (Dell’s) presentations: real clouds today (Bexas111010DataCenterChanges) and what to deploy on (Bexar111010OpenStackOnDCS).
  • SheepDog was presented as a way to handle block storage.  Not an iSCSI solution, works directly w/ KVM.  Strikes me as too limiting – I’d rather see just using iSCSI.  We talked about GlusterFS or Ceph (NewDream).  This area needs a lot of work to catch up with Amazon EBS.  Unfortunately, persisting data on VM “local” disks is still the dominate paradigm.
  • Discussions about how to scale drifted towards aspirational.
  • Scalr did a side presentation about automating failover.
  • Discussion about migration from Eucalyptus to OpenStack got side tracked with aspirations for a “hot” migration.  Ultimately, the differences between network was a problem.  The practical issue is discovering the meta data – host info not entirely available from the API.
  • Talked about an API for cloud networking.  This blue print was heavily attended and messy.  The possible network topologies present too many challenges to describe easily.  Fundamentally, there seems consensus that the API should have a very very simple concept of connecting VM end points to a logical segment.  That approach leverages the accepted (but out dated) VLAN semantic, but implementation will have to be topology aware.  ouch!
  • Day 3 topic Live migration: Big crowd arguing with bated breath about this.  The summary “show us how to do it without shared storage THEN we’ll talk about the API.”
Executive Tweet:  #OpenStack getting to down business.  Big dreams.  Real problems.  Delivering Code.
Note: I nominate Aspirational for 2010 buzzword of the year.

Greg PresentingBig Crowd on Day 1

OpenStack Bexar Design Summit Day 1

Yesterday, Dell sent me to be part of our OpenStack vanguard for the design summit.  The conference is fascinating and productive for the content of the sessions and even more interesting for the hallway meetings.

It’s obvious looking at the board composition that RackSpace and NASA Nova are driving  most of the development; however, the is palpable community interest and enthusiasm.  Participants and contributors showed up in force at this event.

RackSpace and NASA leadership provides critical momentum for the community.  Code is the smallest part of their contribution, their commitment to run the code at scale in production is the magic rocket fuel powering OpenStack. I’ve had many conversations with partners and prospects planning to follow RackSpace into production with a 3-6 month lag.

Beyond that primary conference arc, my impressions:

  • Core vendors like Citrix, Dell, Canonical are signing up to do primary work for the code base.  They are taking ownership for their own components in the stack.
  • Universally, people comment about the speed of progress and amount of code being generated.  Did I mention that there is a lot of code being written.
  • Networking is still a major challenge.  OpenStack (with Citrix’s Xen support) is driving Open vSwitchas a replacement for iptables management.
  • IPv6 gets lackadaisical treatment in the US, but is urgent in Japan/Asia where their core infrastructure is ALREADY IPv6.  Their frustration to get attention here should be a canary in the cloud mine (but is not).  They proposed a gateway model where VMs have dual addresses: IPv4 gets NATed while IPv6 is a pass-through. Seems to me that the going IPv6 internal is the real solution.
  • Cloud bursting is still too fuzzy a thing to talk about in a big group.  The session about it covered so many use-cases that we did not accomplish anything.  Some people wanted to talk about cloud API proxy while others (myself included) wanted to talk about managing apps between clouds.  My $0.02 is that vendors like RightScale solve the API proxy issue so it’s the networking issues that need focus.  We need to get back to the use-cases!

Executive Tweet: #openstack: Partners & Code = great progress.  Networking = needs more love

Other notes:

VM != Cloud! Comparision draws ire, misses point

Having the requirement benefit of working with both Dave McCrory and Joyent on a daily basis at Dell, I cannot resist weighing in on the blog pong between them.

Dave’s post comparing VM pricing prompted Joyent to blog that VMs are not the only measure of cloud.

While I completely agree that clouds are not all about VMs, I think that Joyent is too limited in their definition of cloud in their reply.  We’re seeing an emergence of services as the differentiator between clouds.

Looking at Amazon, Azure, and Google, the clear way to reduce cloud spend is to migrate applications to consume their services (SQL, Storage, Bus, etc).

If cloud users are primarily concerned about price per hour (which I’m not convinced is the case) then they have real motivation to migrate from purely VM (or SmartMachine(tm) ) based applications to ones that use services.

API vs. API: How Amazon EC2 kicks VMware, RackSpace, and Microsoft

My day job is to try and choose and influence Cloud technologies so it’s no surprise when to hear different vendors pitching why their cloud API is more open, standards based, or performant.  They have convincing yet irrelevant arguments: the primary measure of a cloud API is the size of its ecosystem.

The API’s ecosystem is the number (and vitality) of the upstream partners, SaaS services, PaaS vendors, and ISVs that have built their business on top of that API.  The fundamental truth of this model, like all ad hoc IT standards, is that success is built on business traction, not on technical merit or endorsement by standards bodies.

So which Cloud API will be the winner?  We’re just rounding the first turn and Amazon is ahead.  Let’s look at the lead fillies

  • Amazon EC2/S3 has the clear leadership.  Their API is widely copied (without clear license to do so!), includes storage and their billing model is highly innovative.
  • Microsoft Azure is making a big push.  Windows continues to dominate as a platform and their SQL cloud helps address application porting.  In addition, their PaaS integration provides a forward migration.
  • VMware vCloud has taken to high road through the official standards bodies.  VMware dominates the private cloud space and their vCenter API represents a larger ecosystem than any other virtualization API.   This ecosystem guarantees that vCloud will be widely adopted but if they can cross over into public clouds is fuzzier.
  • RackSpace has an interesting position by offering both dedicated and shared hosting.  Their service and API have been along for a long time.  They have just not created the buzz that Amazon gets.  They could be a swing vote depending on their future decisions around Cloud APIs.

But maybe we don’t have to pick the winner!  Perhaps there’s an option for a trifecta bet where we don’t have to pick a single winner.  This scenario of building a multi-API abstraction layer is getting a lot of interest and creating a lot of value.  Vendors include RightScale, DeltaCloud (was RedHat, now Apache), and jCloud.

Right now, I’m sitting in the Delta Cloud session at RedHat Summit/JBoss World.  One of my concerns about API aggregation is that the API abstraction has to be either least common denominator (LCD) or have strange exceptions.  For example, the speaker is saying that approaches to Firewalls are very different or completely missing.  This creates a serious aggravation for aggregation:  does the API leave a gap, favor one API, or invent yet another way to solve the problem.

I believe the cloud API race is not just a single horse race for the Cloud Computing Cup, it’s more like the Triple Crown.   The real winning API will cover compute, network, and storage management.   

Then again, accelerating PaaS adoption could make these IaaS Clouds into buggy whip manufacturers.

Disclosure:  My employeer, Dell, is a partner with many of the companies listed above.