Your baby is ugly! Picking which code is required for Commercial Core.

babyThere’s no point in sugar-coating this: selecting API and code sections for core requires making hard choices and saying no.  DefCore makes this fair by 1) defining principles for selection, 2) going slooooowly to limit surprises and 3) being transparent in operation.  When you’re telling someone who their baby is not handsome enough you’d better be able to explain why.

The truth is that from DefCore’s perspective, all babies are ugly.  If we are seeking stability and interoperability, then we’re looking for adults not babies or adolescents.

Explaining why is exactly what DefCore does by defining criteria and principles for our decisions.  When we do it right, it also drives a positive feedback loop in the community because the purpose of designated sections is to give clear guidance to commercial contributors where we expect them to be contributing upstream.  By making this code required for Core, we are incenting OpenStack vendors to collaborate on the features and quality of these sections.

This does not lessen the undesignated sections!  Contributions in those areas are vital to innovation; however, they are, by design, more dynamic, specialized or single vendor than the designated areas.

Designated SectionsThe seven principles of designated sections (see my post with TC member Michael Still) as defined by the Technical Committee are:


  1. code provides the project external REST API, or
  2. code is shared and provides common functionality for all options, or
  3. code implements logic that is critical for cross-platform operation


  1. code interfaces to vendor-specific functions, or
  2. project design explicitly intended this section to be replaceable, or
  3. code extends the project external REST API in a new or different way, or
  4. code is being deprecated

While the seven principles inform our choices, DefCore needs some clarifications to ensure we can complete the work in a timely, fair and practical way.  Here are our additions:

8.     UNdesignated by Default

  • Unless code is designated, it is assumed to be undesignated.
  • This aligns with the Apache license.
  • We have a preference for smaller core.

9.      Designated by Consensus

  • If the community cannot reach a consensus about designation then it is considered undesignated.
  • Time to reach consensus will be short: days, not months
  • Except obvious trolling, this prevents endless wrangling.
  • If there’s a difference of opinion then the safe choice is undesignated.

10.      Designated is Guidance

  • Loose descriptions of designated sections are acceptable.
  • The goal is guidance on where we want upstream contributions not a code inspection police state.
  • Guidance will be revised per release as part of the DefCore process.

In my next DefCore post, I’ll review how these 10 principles are applied to the Havana release that is going through community review before Board approval.

DefCore Capabilities Scorecard & Core Identification Matrix [REVIEW TIME!]

Attribution Note: This post was collaboratively edited by members of the DefCore committee and cross posted with DefCore co-chair Joshua McKenty of Piston Cloud.

DefCore sets base requirements by defining 1) capabilities, 2) code and 3) must-pass tests for all OpenStack products. This definition uses community resources and involvement to drive interoperability by creating minimum standards minimum standards for products labeled “OpenStack.”

The OpenStack Core definition process (aka DefCore) is moving steadily along and we’re looking for feedback from community as we move into the next phase.  Until now, we’ve been mostly working out principles, criteria and processes that we will use to answer “what is core” in OpenStack.  Now we are applying those processes and actually picking which capabilities will be used to identify Core.

TL;DR! We are now RUNNING WITH SCISSORS because we’ve reached the point there you can review early thoughts about what’s going to be considered Core (and what’s not).  We now have a tangible draft list for community review.

capabilities_selectionWhile you will want to jump directly to the review draft matrix (red means needs input), it is important to understand how we got here because that’s how DefCore will resolve the inevitable conflicts.  The very nature of defining core means that we have to say “not in” to a lot of capabilities.  Since community consensus seems to favor a “small core” in principle, that means many capabilities that people consider important are not included.

The Core Capabilities Matrix attempts to find the right balance between quantitative detail and too much information.  Each row represents an “OpenStack Capability” that is reflected by one or more individual tests.  We scored each capability equally on a 100 point scale using 12 different criteria.  These criteria were selected to respect different viewpoints and needs of the community ranging from popularity, technical longevity and quality of documentation.

While we’ve made the process more analytical, there’s still room for judgement.  Eventually, we expect to weight some criteria more heavily than others.  We will also be adjusting the score cut-off.  Our goal is not to create a perfect evaluation tool – it should inform the board and facilitate discussion.  In practice, we’ve found this approach to bring needed objectivity to the selection process.

So, where does this take us?  The first matrix is, by design, old news.  We focused on getting a score for Havana to give us a stable and known quantity; however, much of that effort will translate forward.  Using Havana as the base, we are hoping to score Ice House ninety days after the Juno summit and score Juno at K Summit in Paris.

These are ambitious goals and there are challenges ahead of us.  Since every journey starts with small steps, we’ve put ourselves on feet the path while keeping our eyes on the horizon.

Specifically, we know there are gaps in OpenStack test coverage.  Important capabilities do not have tests and will not be included.  Further, starting with a small core means that OpenStack will be enforcing an interoperability target that is relatively permissive and minimal.  Universally, the community has expressed that including short-term or incomplete items is undesirable.  It’s vital to remember that we are looking for evolutionary progress that accelerates our developer, user, operator and ecosystem communities.

How can you get involved?  We are looking for community feedback on the DefCore list on this 1st pass – we do not think we have the scores 100% right.  Of course, we’re happy to hear from you however you want to engage: in intentionally named the committed “defcore” to make it easier to cross-reference and search.

We will eventually use Refstack to collect voting/feedback on capabilities directly from OpenStack community members.

DefCore Core Capabilities Selection Criteria SIMPLIFIED -> how we are picking Core

I’ve posted about the early DefCore core capabilities selection process before and we’ve put them into application and discussed them with the community.  The feedback was simple: tl;dr.  You’ve got the right direction but make it simpler!

So we pulled the 12 criteria into four primary categories:

  1. Usage: the capability is widely used (Refstack will collect data)
  2. Direction: the capability advances OpenStack technically
  3. Community: the capability builds the OpenStack community experience
  4. System: the capability integrates with other parts of OpenStack

These categories summarize critical values that we want in OpenStack and so make sense to be the primary factors used when we select core capabilities.  While we strive to make the DefCore process objective and quantitive, we must recognize that these choices drive community behavior.

With this perspective, let’s review the selection criteria.  To make it easier to cross reference, we’ve given each criteria a shortened name:

Shows Proven Usage

  • Widely Deployed” Candidates are widely deployed capabilities.  We favor capabilities that are supported by multiple public cloud providers and private cloud products.
  • “Used by Tools” Candidates are widely used capabilities:Should be included if supported by common tools (RightScale, Scalr, CloudForms, …)
  • Used by Clients” Candidates are widely used capabilities: Should be included if part of common libraries (Fog, Apache jclouds, etc)
Aligns with Technical Direction
  • Future Direction” Should reflect future technical direction (from the project technical teams and the TC) and help manage deprecated capabilities.
  • “Stable” Test is required stable for >2 releases because we don’t want core capabilities that do not have dependable APIs.
  • “Complete” Where the code being tested has a designated area of alternate implementation (extension framework) as per the Core Principles, there should be parity in capability tested across extension implementations.  This also implies that the capability test is not configuration specific or locked to non-open technology.

Plays Well with Others

  • “Discoverable” Capability being tested is Service Discoverable (can be found in Keystone and via service introspection)
  • “Doc’d” Should be well documented, particularly the expected behavior.  This can be a very subjective measure and we expect to refine this definition over time.
  • “Core in Last Release”  A test that is a must-pass test should stay a must-pass test.  This make makes core capabilities sticky release per release.  Leaving Core is disruptive to the ecosystem

Takes a System View

  • Foundation” Test capabilities that are required by other must-pass tests and/or depended on by many other capabilities
  • “Atomic” Capabilities is unique and cannot be build out of other must-pass capabilities
  • “Proximity” (sometimes called a Test Cluster) selects for Capabilities that are related to Core Capabilities.  This helps ensure that related capabilities are managed together.

Note: The 13th “non-admin” criteria has been removed because Admin APIs cannot be used for interoperability and cannot be considered Core.

Spinning up OpenStack “DefCore” Committee by spotting elephants

ElephantsThis week, Joshua McKenty, me and a handful of interested individuals (board member Eileen Evans included) met to start organizing the DefCore* Committee.  This standing committee was established by an OpenStack Foundation resolution just before the Hong Kong Summit.  Joshua and I were nominated as co-chairs (and about half the board volunteered to be members).    This action was an immediate result of the unanimous passage of the 10 Principles that I was driving in the DefCore “Spider” cycle.

We heard overwhelmingly at the Hong Kong summit that defining core should be a major focus for the Board.

The good news is that we’re doing exactly that in CoreDef.  Our challenge is to go quickly but not get ahead of community consensus.  So far, that means eating the proverbial elephant in small bites and intentionally deferring topics where we cannot find consensus.

This meeting was primarily about Joshua and I figuring out how to drive DefCore quickly (go fast!) without exceeding the communities ability to review and discuss (build consensus!).  While we had future-post-worthy conceptual discussions, we had a substantial agenda of get-it-done in front of us too.

Here’s a summary of key outcomes from the meeting:

1)      We’ve established a tentative schedule for our first two meetings (12/3 and 12/17).

  1. We’ve started building agendas for these two meetings.
  2. We’ve also established rules for governance that include members to do homework!

2)      We’ve agreed it’s important to present a bylaws change to the committee for consideration by the board.

  1. This change is to address confusion around how core is defined and possibly move towards the bylaws defining a core process not a list of core projects.
  2. This is on an accelerated track because we’d like to include it with the Community Board Member elections.

3)      We’ve broken DefCore into clear “cycles” so we can be clearer about concrete objectives and what items are out of scope for a cycle.  We’re using names to designate cycles for clarity.

  1. The first cycle, “Spider,” was about finding the connections between core issues and defining a process to resolve the tension in those connections.
  2. This cycle, “Elephant,” is about breaking the Core definition into
  3. The next cycle(s) will be named when we get there.  For now, they are all “Future”
  4. We agreed there is a lot of benefit from being clear to community about items that we “kick down the road” for future cycles.  And, yes, we will proactively cut off discussion of these items out of respect for time.

4)      We reviewed the timeline proposed at the end of Spider and added it to the agenda.

  1. The timeline assumes a staged introduction starting with Havana and accelerating for each release.
  2. We are working the timeline backwards to ensure time for Board, TC and community input.

5)      We agreed that consensus is going to be a focus for keeping things moving

  1. This will likely drive to a smaller core definition
  2. We will actively defer issues that cannot reach consensus in the Elephant cycle.

6)      We identified some concepts that may help guide the process in this cycle

  1. We likely need to create categories beyond “core” to help bucket tests
  2. Committee discussion is needed but debate will be time limited

7)      We identified the need to start on test criteria immediately

  1. Board member John Zannos (in absentia) offered to help lead this effort
  2. In defining test criteria, we are likely to have lively discussions about “OpenStack’s values”

8)      We identified some out of scope topics that are important but too big to solve.

  1. We are calling these “elephants” (or the elephant in the room).
  2. The list of elephants needs to be agreed by DefCore and clearly communicated
  3. We expect that the Elephant cycle will make discussing these topics more fruitful

9)      We talked about RefStack code features

  1. Allowing users to upload/post test results from their clouds to enable white box test reporting
  2. Allowing users who have uploaded results to +/- vote on tests they think are important
  3. We established a requirement that posting results requires an OpenStack ID
  4. We established a requirement that only a single Corporate designate (provided by the Foundation) can make a result official for their company.
  5. Collecting opt-in data with test results using tags for things like alternate implementations use, host operating system(s), deployment method, size of cloud, and hypervisor.
  6. We discussed (but did not resolve) that it could be possible to have people run RefStack against public cloud end points and post their results
  7. We agreed that RefStack needs to be able to run locally or as a hosted site.

10)   We identified a lot of missing communication channels

  1. We created a DefCore wiki page to be a home for information.
  2. Joshua and I (and others?) will work with the Foundation staff to create “what is core” video to help the community understand the Principles and objectives for the Elephant cycle.
  3. We are in the process of setting up mail lists, IRC, blog tags, etc.

Yikes!  That’s a lot of progress priming the pump for our first DefCore meeting!

* We picked “DefCore” for the core definition committee name.  One overriding reason for the name is that it has very clean search results.  Since the word “core” is so widely used, we wanted to make sure that commentary on this topic is easy to track against the noisy term core.  We also liked 1) the reference to DefCon and 2) that the Urban Dictionary defines it as going deaf from standing too close to the speakers.

OpenStack Core Online Forum, Oct 16 13:30 UTC / Oct 22 0100 UTC

Go Online!OpenStack Community, you are invited on an online discussion about OpenStack Core on October 16th at UTC 13:30 (8:30 am US Central) and October 22nd at UTC 0100 (8:00 pm US Central)

At the next OpenStack Foundation Board meeting, we will be setting a timeline for implementing an OpenStack Core Definition process that promotes a clear and implementation driven metric for deciding which projects should be considered “required.”  This is your chance to review and influence the process!

We’ll review the OpenStack Core Definition process (20 minutes) and then open up the channel for discussion using the IRC (#openstack-meeting) & Google Hangout on Air (link posted in IRC).

The forum will be coordinated through the IRC channel for links and questions.

Can’t make it?  The session was recorded > here!

Thinking about how to Implement OpenStack Core Definition


Tied UpWe’ve had a number of community discussions (OSCON, SFO & SA-TX) around the process for OpenStack Core definition.  These have been animated and engaged discussions (video from SA-TX): my notes for them are below.

While the current thinking of a testing-based definition of Core adds pressure on expanding our test suite, it seems to pass the community’s fairness checks.

Overall, the discussions lead me to believe that we’re on the right track because the discussions jump from process to impacts.  It’s not too late!  We’re continuing to get community feedback.  So what’s next?

First…. Get involved: Upcoming Community Core Discussions

These discussions are expected to have online access via Google Hangout.  Watch Twitter when the event starts for a link.

Want to to discuss this in your meetup? Reach out to me or someone on the Board and we’ll be happy to find a way to connect with your local community!

What’s Next?  Implementation!

So far, the Core discussion has been about defining the process that we’ll use to determine what is core.  Assuming we move forward, the next step is to implement that process by selecting which tests are “must pass.”  That means we have to both figure out how to pick the tests and do the actual work of picking them.  I suspect we’ll also find testing gaps that will have developers scrambling in Ice House.

Here’s the possible (aggressive) timeline for implementation:

  • November: Approval of approach & timeline at next Board Meeting
  • January: Publish Timeline for Roll out (ideally, have usable definition for Havana)
  • March: Identify Havana must pass Tests (process to be determined)
  • April: Integration w/ OpenStack Foundation infrastructure

Obviously, there are a lot of details to work out!  I expect that we’ll have an interim process to select must-pass tests before we can have a full community driven methodology.

Notes from Previous Discussions (earlier notes):

  • There is still confusion around the idea that OpenStack Core requires using some of the project code.  This requirement helps ensure that people claiming to be OpenStack core have a reason to contribute, not just replicate the APIs.
  • It’s easy to overlook that we’re trying to define a process for defining core, not core itself.  We have spent a lot of time testing how individual projects may be effected based on possible outcomes.  In the end, we’ll need actual data.
  • There are some clear anti-goals in the process that we are not ready to discuss but will clearly going to become issues quickly.  They are:
    • Using the OpenStack name for projects that pass the API tests but don’t implement any OpenStack code.  (e.g.: an OpenStack Compatible mark)
    • Having speciality testing sets for flavors of OpenStack that are different than core.  (e.g.: OpenStack for Hosters, OpenStack Private Cloud, etc)
  • We need to be prepared that the list of “must pass” tests identifies a smaller core than is currently defined.  It’s possible that some projects will no longer be “core”
  • The idea that we’re going to use real data to recommend tests as must-pass is positive; however, the time it takes to collect the data may be frustrating.
  • People love to lobby for their favorite projects.  Gaps in testing may create problems.
  • We are about to put a lot of pressure on the testing efforts and that will require more investment and leadership from the Foundation.
  • Some people are not comfortable with self-reporting test compliance.   Overall, market pressure was considered enough to punish cheaters.
  • There is a perceived risk of confusion as we migrate between versions.  OpenStack Core for Havana seems to specific but there is concern that vendors may pass in one release and then skip re-certification.  Once again, market pressure seems to be an adequate answer.
  • It’s not clear if a project with only 1 must-pass test is a core project.  Likely, it would be considered core.  Ultimately, people seem to expect that the tests will define core instead of the project boundary.

What do you think?  I’d like to hear your opinions on this!

Taking OpenStack Core discussions to community


We’ve been building up to a broad discussion about the OpenStack Core and I’d like to invite everyone in the OpenStack community to participate (review latest).

Alan Clark (Board Chairman) officially kicked off this open discussion with his post on the OpenStack blog last week.  And we’re trying to have face-to-face events for dialog like the Core meetup tonight in San Francisco.  Look for more to come!

Of course, this will also be a topic at the summit (Alan and I submitted two sessions about this).  The Board needs to move this forward in the November meeting, so NOW is the time to review and give us input.

refined: 10 OpenStack Core Positions


Last week, I posted a streamlined visual of the core discussion that distilled the 12 positions into 10.  Here are reordered and cleaned up matching positions.  This should make it much easier to understand the context.

Note 11/3: The Core Definition is now maintained on the OpenStack Wiki.  This list may not reflect the latest changes.
  1. Implementations that are Core can use OpenStack trademark (OpenStack™)

    1. This is the legal definition of “core” and the  why it matters to  the community.

    2. We want to make sure that the OpenStack™ mark means something.

    3. The OpenStack™ mark is not the same as the OpenStack brand; however, the Board uses it’s control of the mark as a proxy to help manage the brand.

  2. Core is a subset of the whole project

    1. The OpenStack project is supposed to be a broad and diverse community with new projects entering incubation and new implementations being constantly added.  This innovation is vital to OpenStack but separate from the definition of Core.

    2. There may be other marks that are managed separately by the foundation, and available for the platform ecosystem as per the Board’s discretion

    3. “OpenStack API Compatible ” mark not part of this discussion and should be not be assumed.

  3. Core definition can be applied equally to all usage models

    1. There should not be multiple definitions of OpenStack depending on the operator (public, private, community, etc)

    2. While expected that each deployment is identical, the differences must be quantifiable

  4. Claiming OpenStack requiring use of designated upstream code

    1. Implementation’s claiming the OpenStack™ mark must use the OpenStack upstream code (or be using code submitted to upstream)

    2. You are not OpenStack, if you pass all the tests but do not use the API framework

    3. This prevents people from using the API without joining the community

    4. This also surfaces bit-rot in alternate implementations to the larger community

    5. This behavior improves interoperability because there is more shared code between implementation

  5. Projects must have an open reference implementation

    1. OpenStack will require an open source reference base plug-in implementation for projects (if not part of OpenStack, license model for reference plug-in must be compatible).

    2. Definition of a plug-in: alternate backend implementations with a common API framework that uses common _code_ to implement the API

    3. This expects that projects (where technically feasible) are expected to implement a plug-in or extension architecture.

    4. This is already in place for several projects and addresses around ecosystem support, enabling innovation

    5. Reference plug-ins are, by definition, the complete capability set.  It is not acceptable to have “core” features that are not functional in the reference plug-in

    6. This will enable alternate implementations to offer innovative or differentiated features without forcing changes to the reference plug-in implementation

    7. This will enable the reference to expand without forcing other  alternate implementations to match all features and recertify

  6. Vendors may substitute alternate implementations

    1. If a vendor plug-in passes all relevant tests then it can be considered a full substitute for the reference plug-in

    2. If a vendor plug-in does NOT pass all relevant test then the vendor is required to include the open source reference in the implementation.

    3. Alternate implementations may pass any tests that make sense

    4. Alternate implementations should add tests to validate new functionality.

    5. They must have all the must-pass tests (see #10) to claim the OpenStack mark.

  7. OpenStack Implementations are verified by open community tests

    1. Vendor OpenStack implementations must achieve 100% of must-have coverage?

    2. Implemented tests can be flagged as may-have requires list  [Joshua McKenty]

    3. Certifiers will be required to disclose their testing gaps.

    4. This will put a lot of pressure on the Tempest project

    5. Maintenance of the testing suite to become a core Foundation responsibility.  This may require additional resources

    6. Implementations and products are allowed to have variation based on publication of compatibility

    7. Consumers must have a way to determine how the system is different from reference (posted, discovered, etc)

    8. Testing must respond in an appropriate way on BOTH pass and fail (the wrong return rejects the entire suite)

  8. Tests can be remotely or self-administered

    1. Plug-in certification is driven by Tempest self-certification model

    2. Self-certifiers are required to publish their results

    3. Self-certified are required to publish enough information that a 3rd party could build the reference implementation to pass the tests.

    4. Self-certified must include the operating systems that have been certified

    5. It is preferred for self-certified implementation to reference an OpenStack reference architecture “flavor” instead of defining their own reference.  (a way to publish and agree on flavors is needed)

    6. The Foundation needs to define a mechanism of dispute resolution. (A trust but verify model)

    7. As an ecosystem partner, you have a need to make a “works against OpenStack” statement that is supportable

    8. API consumer can claim working against the OpenStack API if it works against any implementation passing all the “must have” tests(YES)

    9. API consumers can state they are working against the OpenStack API with some “may have” items as requirements

    10. API consumers are expected to write tests that validate their required behaviors (submitted as “may have” tests)

  9. A subset of tests are chosen by the Foundation as “must-pass”

    1. An OpenStack body will recommend which tests are elevated from may-have to must-have

    2. The selection of “must-pass” tests should be based on quantifiable information when possible.

    3. Must-pass tests should be selected from the existing body of “may-pass” tests.  This encourages people to write tests for cases they want supported.

    4. We will have a process by which tests are elevated from may to must lists

    5. Potentially: the User Committee will nominate tests that elevated to the board

  10. OpenStack Core means passing all “must-pass” tests

    1. The OpenStack board owns the responsibility to define ‘core’ – to approve ‘musts’

    2. We are NOT defining which items are on the list in this effort, just making the position that it is how we will define core

    3. May-have tests include items in the integrated release, but which are not core.

    4. Must haves – must comply with the Core criteria defined from the IncUp committee results

    5. Projects in Incubation or pre-Incubation are not to be included in the ‘may’ list

OpenStack’s Test Driven Core > it’s where I think “what is core” discussions are heading


core lighthouse

In helping drive OpenStack’s “what is core” dialog, I’ve had the privilege of listening to a lot of viewpoints about what we are and should be.  Throughout the process, I’ve tried to put aside my positions and be an objective listener.  In this post, I’m expressing where I think this effort will lead us.

If OpenStack culture values implementation over API then our core definition should too.

How do we make a core definition that values implementation over API?  I think that our definition should also be based on what’s working in the field over qualitative definitional statements.  The challenge in defining core is to find a way to reinforce this culture in a quantifiable way.

The path forward lies in concrete decomposition (and not because you were talked to death on the sidewalk).

Concrete decomposition means breaking Core into small units for discussion like “is provisioning a single server critical?”  More importantly, we can use tests as the unit for decomposition.  Tests are gold when it comes to defining expected OpenStack behaviors.  In our tests, we have a description of which use-cases have been implemented.  Discussing those use-cases is much more finite than arguing over stable versus innovative development methodologies.

I believe that we are moving toward community tests playing an essential role in OpenStack.  As a believer in the value of BDD and CI, I think that placing high value on tests improves the project in fundamental ways beyond defining Core.  It creates a commercial motivation for contributors to add tests, inches us toward interoperability, and helps drive stability for users.  In these ways, using tests to measure OpenStack drives the right behaviors for the project.

Another consequence I anticipate is a new role for the User Committee (UC).  With a growing body of tests, the OpenStack Foundation needs a way to figure out the subset of tests which are required.  While the Technical Committee (TC) should demand a comprehensive suite of tests for all projects, they lack the perspective to figure out which use-cases are being implemented by our user base.  Gathering that data is already the domain of the UC so asking them to match implemented use-cases to tests seems like a natural extension of their role.

By having data supporting the elevation of tests to must-pass status, I envision a definition of Core that is based on how OpenStack is implemented.  That, in turn, will help drive our broader interoperability objectives.

Visualizing the OpenStack Core discussion points


As we take the OpenStack Core discussion to a larger audience, I was asked to create the summary version the discussion points.  We needed a quick visual way to understand how these consensus statements interconnect and help provide context.  To address this need, I based it on a refined 10 core positions to create the following OpenStack Core flowchart.

core flow

The flow diagram below is grouped into three main areas: core definition (green), technical requirements (blue), and testing impacts (orange).

  1. Core Definition (green) walks through the fundamental scope and premise of the “what is core” discussion.  We are looking for the essential OpenStack: the parts that everyone needs and nothing more.  While OpenStack can be something much larger, core lives at the heart of the use-case venn diagram.  It’s the magical ice cream flavor that everyone loves like Triple Unicorn Rainbow Crunch.
  2. Technical Requirements (blue) covers some of the most contentious parts of the dialog.  This section states the expectation that OpenStack™ implementations must use parts the OpenStack code (you can’t just provide a compatible API).  It goes further to expect that we will maintain an open reference implementation and also identify places where parts of the code can be substituted with alternate implementations.  Examples of alternate implementations are plug-ins, API extensions, different hypervisors, and alternate libraries.
  3. Testing Impacts (orange) reviews some of the important new thinking around Core.  These points focus on the use of OpenStack community tests (e.g.: Tempest) to validate the total code base.  We expect users to be able to self-administer these tests or rely on an external validation.  Either way, we do not expect all tests to pass for all configurations; instead, the Foundation will identify a subset of the tests as required or must-pass.  The current thinking is that these must-pass tests will become the effective definition of OpenStack™ Core.

I hope this helps connect the dots on the core discussions so far.

I’d like to clean-up the positions to match the flow chart and cross reference.  Stay tuned!  This flowchart is a work in process – updates and suggestions are welcome!